Monday 4 April 2011


Okay so I was really bored today and drew up a map of the town for Black Lion. Here is a little info on the story and i can't give away too much but I'll tell you some names.

Town: Fallen Valley, Idaho
Main characters: Tamara and Ronnie (Originally Alexis, Which do you like better?)
Main theme: Mythical creature (shifters, fire demons and nature sprites ect.)
Antagonist: Juliet
Other people of interest: Aaron and Isabel (and an unnamed were-man)

I'm not quite positive about the title, but if all goes well, i'm hoping to make a series (or an epic SAGA!) Probably all centering around the theme of myths and legends and made up places :P If you have any idea's I'd love to hear them on my comments on wattpad or my contact page, maybe I'll be making a separate email? What do you think? HELP ME!!!! Im seriously drowning in excitement. Also I updated my recent ventures page so go check that out and i'll be making another youtube vid soon, maybe, i hope :P anyways, I'm going to stop rambling. bbye <3


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